Ultimate Fuse Melting Time Calculator: Your 1-Minute Guide to Precision

Precautions When Using the FMTC

Calculation results are for reference only: The fuse calculator is just a tool to help you select a fuse, and the final decision should be made by comprehensively considering the expert’s judgment and system design requirements.
Understand the Time Current Curve (TCC) graph: Before using the fuse calculator, be sure to check the TCC graph of the fuse. The TCC graph is important information that shows the relationship between the time it takes for the fuse to melt and the current.
Use English title of image you upload: Upload a captured image of the TCC section from the fuse catalog or manual with an appropriate English title like Manufacturer-Model-Overcurrent (e.g., “Mersen-OT30-160A.png”)
Enter accurate fuse information: Enter the correct fuse current like x1, x2, x0 and the time like y1, y2 into the FMTC. Entering incorrect information can lead to inaccurate calculation results.
Check fuse manufacturer information: TCC graph characteristics may differ depending on the fuse manufacturer. Before using the calculator, check the information provided by the fuse manufacturer and, if necessary, contact the manufacturer to obtain accurate information.

Youtube Shorts for Fuse Melting Time Calculator

If you find it difficult to use the method explained above, you can understand it more easily through the YouTube shorts below. After you watch it, you fell it is so easy to use fuse melting time calculator.

To use the FMTC shown above, it is beneficial to have some background knowledge. If you would like to see a summary of TCC, exponential interpolation, and more, please click the button or post box below.

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