Simple Common Log Calculator

A common logarithm (or base-10 logarithm) is a logarithm with a base of 10. It tells you what power you need to raise 10 to in order to get a certain number. In other words, it’s the exponent to which 10 must be raised to produce a given value.

Common Log Calculator

Use the calculator below to find the common logarithm of any number.

Common Log Calculator


  • 100 is the 2nd power of 10 (10²), so log₁₀100 = 2
  • 1000 is the 3rd power of 10 (10³), so log₁₀1000 = 3


Common logarithms are usually denoted as log₁₀, but you may also see them simply as log.

Applications of Common Logarithms

Common logarithms are used in various fields. Let’s explore five key applications.

Measuring Earthquake Magnitude

The Richter magnitude scale, which measures the strength of earthquakes, is based on common logarithms. Each whole number increase in magnitude represents a tenfold increase in measured amplitude.

The image provided illustrates the relationship between the amplitude of seismic waves, earthquake magnitude, and the energy released, often visualized using the Richter scale, which is a logarithmic scale. Here’s a detailed explanation of the image in relation to common logarithms:

Richter Scale Overview

The Richter scale is used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes. The magnitude of an earthquake is a number that characterizes the relative size of an earthquake. It is calculated based on the amplitude of the seismic waves recorded by seismographs.

Relationship with Common Logarithms

The Richter scale is logarithmic, meaning each whole number increase on the scale represents a tenfold increase in measured amplitude and approximately 31.6 times more energy release. This logarithmic relationship can be expressed as:


where 𝐴A is the amplitude of the seismic waves and 𝐴0A0​ is a reference amplitude.

Explanation of the Image

Left Side: Amplitude of Shaking

The graph shows the amplitude of seismic waves (in mm) plotted against the earthquake magnitude.

As the magnitude increases by 1 unit, the amplitude of shaking increases by a factor of 10. For example, if an earthquake of magnitude 3 has an amplitude of shaking at 1 mm, an earthquake of magnitude 4 will have an amplitude of 10 mm.

Right Side: Energy Released

The table on the right side correlates earthquake magnitude with the energy released, expressed in equivalent kilograms of TNT.

Each increase in magnitude by 1 unit corresponds to approximately 31.6 times more energy released.

For example:

Magnitude 2: Energy released = 15 kg of TNT

Magnitude 3: Energy released = 476 kg of TNT

Magnitude 4: Energy released = 15,000 kg of TNT

Magnitude 5: Energy released = 476,000 kg of TNT

Magnitude 6: Energy released = 15,000,000 kg of TNT

Magnitude 8: Energy released = 15,000,000,000 kg of TNT

Practical Applications

  1. Seismology: Understanding and predicting the impact of earthquakes. The logarithmic scale allows for easier representation and comparison of earthquake magnitudes and their potential damage.
  2. Disaster Preparedness: Planning and resource allocation for earthquake-prone areas. Knowing the logarithmic nature of earthquake magnitudes helps in preparing for potential increases in energy release and subsequent damage.
  3. Engineering: Designing buildings and infrastructure to withstand seismic forces. Engineers use the logarithmic relationship to estimate forces and create structures that can endure specific magnitudes of earthquakes.

Common Logarithm in Earthquake Measurement

The use of common logarithms in the Richter scale simplifies the vast range of earthquake magnitudes and their corresponding effects into a more comprehensible and manageable scale. This logarithmic approach:

  • Makes it easier to compare earthquakes: A small numerical difference on the Richter scale can represent a significant difference in energy release and potential damage.
  • Helps in understanding exponential growth: Logarithms convert exponential growth (in amplitude and energy release) into a linear scale, making it more intuitive to understand and analyze.

Measuring Sound Intensity

Decibels (dB), the unit for measuring sound intensity, are also based on common logarithms. A 10 dB increase represents a tenfold increase in sound intensity.

The image provided appears to be a graph depicting the relationship between certain variables in a logarithmic context. Though the exact details of the graph are not fully clear without additional context, the following is a detailed explanation based on the common logarithmic relationships that might be represented in such graphs.

Graph Components

  • Axes: The x-axis and y-axis likely represent two variables on a logarithmic scale.
  • Curves: Multiple curves (red and blue) suggest different datasets or scenarios being compared on the same graph.

Interpretation of the Graph

1. Amplitude of Shaking vs. Frequency

One common use of logarithmic graphs in seismology is to plot the amplitude of seismic waves against frequency. This helps to visualize how the amplitude of ground shaking varies with frequency for different earthquakes.

2. Magnitude vs. Energy Release

Another interpretation could be comparing earthquake magnitudes and the corresponding energy release. As previously mentioned, the Richter scale is logarithmic, where each increase by 1 in magnitude corresponds to roughly 31.6 times more energy release.

3. Damping and Resonance in Structures

In engineering, particularly in earthquake engineering, logarithmic graphs can depict the response of structures to different frequencies of shaking. This might show how certain frequencies (or magnitudes of earthquakes) affect building stability.

Explanation of Logarithmic Scales in the Graph

  1. Logarithmic Axes:
    • X-axis (Horizontal): If this represents frequency, a logarithmic scale allows for a wide range of frequencies to be plotted in a compact form. Each unit increase on the axis could represent a tenfold increase in frequency.
    • Y-axis (Vertical): If this represents amplitude or energy release, a logarithmic scale helps in representing the vast range of possible amplitudes or energies. A small change in the vertical position indicates a significant change in the actual value.
  2. Curve Behavior:
    • The red and blue curves might represent different datasets or conditions. For instance, red curves could depict seismic data from different earthquakes, while the blue curve could represent a standard or expected response.
  3. Interpreting Curves:
    • The dips and peaks in the curves can indicate points of resonance or damping. For example, in the context of building responses, a peak might indicate a frequency at which a building resonates, while a dip could indicate effective damping.

Measuring Acidity

The pH scale, which measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, is defined as the negative of the base-10 logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration.

pH Scale Overview

The pH scale is a numerical scale used to specify the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. It ranges from 0 to 14, where:

  • 0-6.9: Acidic
  • 7: Neutral
  • 7.1-14: Alkaline (Basic)

Relationship with Common Logarithms

The pH of a solution is defined as the negative logarithm (base 10) of the hydrogen ion concentration [H^+]:

pH = -\log_{10}([H^+])

This means that the pH value is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, expressed on a logarithmic scale. Here’s how it works:

Acidic Solutions (pH 0-6.9):

High concentration of hydrogen ions.

Example: If [H^+] is 0.1 M (molar), then:

pH = -\log_{10}(0.</span><span>1) = 1

As [H^+] increases, the pH value decreases, indicating higher acidity.

Neutral Solution (pH 7):

Equal concentration of hydrogen and hydroxide ions.

Pure water has a [H^+] of 10^{-7} M, so:

pH = -\log_{10}(10^{-7}) = 7

Alkaline Solutions (pH 7.1-14):

Low concentration of hydrogen ions.

Example: If [H^+] is 10^{-10} M, then:

pH = -\log_{10}(10^{-10}) = 10

As [H^+] decreases, the pH value increases, indicating higher alkalinity.

Explanation of the Image

  • Acidic Range (0-6):
    • The scale starts with strong acids (pH 0-1) in red, moving to weaker acids up to pH 6, transitioning through orange and yellow shades.
    • Each whole pH value below 7 represents a tenfold increase in hydrogen ion concentration.
  • Neutral Point (7):
    • Represented in green, indicating a neutral solution like pure water where [𝐻+][H+] is 10−710−7 M.
  • Alkaline Range (8-14):
    • The scale transitions from green to blue and then to purple, indicating increasing alkalinity.
    • Each whole pH value above 7 represents a tenfold decrease in hydrogen ion concentration.

Common Logarithm and pH

Understanding the logarithmic nature of the pH scale is crucial because it:

  • Simplifies the representation of hydrogen ion concentrations: Instead of using cumbersome scientific notation for very small or large numbers, pH provides a more manageable and intuitive scale.
  • Enables easier comparison: A change of one pH unit represents a tenfold change in [𝐻+][H+], making it easier to understand and compare different solutions.

Measuring Star Brightness

In astronomy, the apparent magnitude of a star, which measures its brightness as seen from Earth, is calculated using common logarithms. A difference of 5 magnitudes corresponds to a factor of 100 in brightness.

star brightness

The graph provided depicts the relationship between star brightness (magnitude) and time, highlighting the logarithmic nature of star brightness measurements.

Understanding the Graph

Axes and Labels
  • X-Axis (Time): The horizontal axis represents time, which could be in units such as days, months, or years. This axis shows how the brightness of stars changes over a period.
  • Y-Axis (Brightness / Magnitude): The vertical axis represents the star’s brightness on a logarithmic scale, where lower values indicate brighter stars and higher values indicate dimmer stars. The brightness (magnitude) is plotted on an inverted scale, typical in astronomy, where brighter stars have lower magnitude values.
Curves and Data Points
  • Three Curves (Star 1, Star 2, Star 3): The graph shows three curves, each representing the brightness of a different star over time. These curves demonstrate the logarithmic decrease in brightness (increase in magnitude) over time.

Logarithmic Relationship

Logarithmic Scale in Magnitude

The brightness of stars is measured using a logarithmic scale called the magnitude scale. This scale compresses a wide range of brightness values into a manageable range, making it easier to compare different stars.

  • Magnitude Formula: The magnitude of a star is calculated using the formula: magnitude=−2.5log⁡10(brightness)magnitude=−2.5log10​(brightness)
  • Inverted Y-Axis: The y-axis is inverted because, in astronomy, a lower magnitude means a brighter star. As brightness decreases, the magnitude value increases, demonstrating a logarithmic relationship.

Explanation of the Graph

  1. Star 1 (Blue Curve):
    • Initial Brightness: Very bright at the beginning (low magnitude).
    • Change Over Time: Brightness decreases slowly over time, resulting in a gradual increase in magnitude.
  2. Star 2 (Orange Curve):
    • Initial Brightness: Brighter than Star 3 but dimmer than Star 1 initially.
    • Change Over Time: Brightness decreases at a moderate rate, showing a steeper increase in magnitude compared to Star 1.
  3. Star 3 (Green Curve):
    • Initial Brightness: The dimmest of the three stars initially (higher initial magnitude).
    • Change Over Time: Brightness decreases rapidly initially, leading to a steep increase in magnitude, and then stabilizes over time.

Radioactive Decay

The half-life of a radioactive substance, which is the time it takes for half of the substance to decay, can be calculated using common logarithms.


The provided graph illustrates the concept of radioactive decay over time, showcasing the logarithmic nature of this process.

Understanding Radioactive Decay

Radioactive decay is a process by which unstable atomic nuclei lose energy by emitting radiation. The rate of decay for a radioactive substance is characterized by its half-life, the time required for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay.

Logarithmic Relationship in Radioactive Decay

The number of undecayed nuclei (N) over time (t) follows an exponential decay model, which can be expressed as:

N(t) = N_0 e^{-\lambda t}


  • N_0 is the initial number of undecayed nuclei.
  • \lambda is the decay constant, related to the half-life (T1/2​) by \lambda = \frac{\ln(2)}{T_{1/2}}.

This relationship can be transformed using common logarithms (base 10) to:

\log_{10}(N(t)) = \log_{10}(N_0) - \left( \frac{\lambda}{\ln(10)} \right) t

Explanation of the Image

Axes and Labels
  • X-Axis (Time): The horizontal axis represents time, showing how the number of undecayed nuclei changes over a period.
  • Y-Axis (Number of Undecayed Nuclei): The vertical axis represents the number of undecayed nuclei, decreasing exponentially over time.
Graph Details
  • Title: “Radioactive Decay Over Time” – Indicates that the graph tracks the decay of a radioactive substance over a period.
  • Half-Life Marker: The red dashed vertical line at approximately 2 units of time indicates the half-life. This is the point where half of the initial radioactive nuclei have decayed.
Curve Behavior
  • Exponential Decay Curve: The blue curve represents the exponential decrease in the number of undecayed nuclei over time. It demonstrates the logarithmic nature of the decay process, where the quantity of undecayed nuclei decreases rapidly at first and then more slowly as time progresses.
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